Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis' the Season for Sharing: My Top 10 Sites for 2011

At OpenText, as well as in my personal life, I spend a lot of my time offering advice to our sales teams, my co-workers and friends on Social Media. I am often asked things like; how do I get started; how can I be successful and why should I do this? 

For those of you that have asked, I thought I would compile my top 10 list of sites that I use for research and advice. I also threw in a few sites that I use for fun as well. I hope you enjoy, pass it on and share your own, as it is the season of sharing.

For Advice and Research:

1.    My number one site for research this year was Twitter. I am thankful to my 507 sources of very insightful information. Feel free to take a look at my follow list here:

2.    I get very inspired by Gary Vaynerchuck’s talks. I am in the midst of his book “Crush it!” and I love it so far; so much that I am having my Book Club feature it this month.

3.    This is a great site for Social Business advice. Of course AIIM is  a great source for all content management needs.

4.    I am very visual learner; this is a fun site and full of great content.

5.    Great articles that can help you get started with social initiatives.

6.    Great visuals that can help provide you with stats about Social Media to share.

7.    If you are ever left with some time to kill or need to be ispirded, take some time to listen to a few TedTalks.
Here are a few talks that have inspired me in the past:

For Fun:

8.    My work environment is very open, so I like to plug in the tunes so that I can focus my thoughts and fuel my energy with music. This is my favorite music site for streaming music.

9.    Shopping, of course I would not miss this - as this is my passion, after work of course ;-)

10.  The last one is for those that own the iPad. My favorite app right now is This is a personalized magazine that customizes your content as you read based on your likes and dislikes.

Happy holidays and all the best for the New Year!

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