I am excited to be presenting at this week's Virtual Enterprise 2.0 Cconference. My talk entitled -Getting Back to Business: Social media applied to core business objectives: marketing and organizational effectiveness - will talk about how social media should support your key business objectives and goals, as opposed to being the strategy or goal. I will spend some time discussing how applying social media can better equip you to hear and react to what your market, customers and users are saying. I will be talking about how social media can help expose those nuggets of tacit knowledge. Our social activities such as comments, tags and activity streams can make valuable content surface. Open conversations across the enterprise whether its conversations between users, between customers and partners or a combination of these can help add additional value to content that already exists by adding additional context - creating what is often referred to as social capital.
The event is on Wednesday the 16th of Feb from 12 to 5pm est. and it’s free to attend. I will be joined by a number of other great speakers so I hope you register and join the conversation!
You can take a look at the agenda and register here: http://www.e2conf.com/virtual/agenda/